About Giving at St. Patrick Church
Only through the generosity of our parishioners can St. Patrick fulfill its mission of providing a community for people to practice their faith, help those in need, tend to the homebound, and attend to those who are sick. The vast bulk of other money raised comes from parishioners donating their time and effort to organize events to build our community, have some fun, and raise money.
If you are interested in giving to the parish, you can do so in eight ways:
- Using Our Online Giving System which is
simple and
safe — for an in-depth explanation of online giving and how to sign up, please,
click here — Online giving allows you to:
- Give anonymously yet still receive a tax substantiation letter
- Donate as often as you wish to the specific causes that you want
- Pay by any credit or debit card, or by direct debit of your bank, check, or savings account
- Access your online giving account from anywhere you have access to the internet
- Makes changes to your giving as often as you like
- Reduce the workload of the parish staff by eliminating paper
- Dropping Gifts in the Offertory Basket during mass using any of the following three methods, one of which will be anonymous resulting in no year-end tax contribution statement to use for filing your income taxes:
- Offertory Envelopes with pre-printed account information — your envelope number — and mailed regularly to your home
- Personal Envelopes which are fine provided you state the specific purpose of the gift, and put your account/envelope number, your name and address, or both on the envelope. Doing otherwise will prevent us from providing you with a tax substantiation letter at year's end
- Loose Cash — the church staff will be unable to substantiate how much you give as this is anonymous
- Mailing Your Gift to the Parish Office using any of the following methods — remember, please, to refrain from sending cash through the U.S. Postal Service:
- Third-party Payer which is typically through your online banking service or the finance software that you may use. Please, note: Third-party Payer does not eliminate the parish staff from having to open an envelope and process the check. It means simply that a paper check is coming from someone other than you. At St. Patrick's we have mistakenly referred to this as online giving which it is not. True online giving results in the gift's occurring electronically thus avoiding the staff's having to process the physical check and envelope
- Offertory Envelopes — see previous section
- Personal Envelopes — see previous section
- Make a Bequest from Your Estate by speaking with an attorney or estate planner, now, and setting up a gift in your estate plan
- Gift Shares of Stock or Any Other Investment which is a simple process. Simply contact the business manager to discuss it and should you decide to do it, he will send a simple one-page set of instructions that you can pass along to your broker or investment account manager. Giving stock is really that simple
- Make a Gift-in-kind by donating an item that the church can use, such as books or flowers or electronic equipment. All you need do is inform the business manager of the fair market value of the item and he will document it in your account so it will be included in your tax substantiation letter for the year that you gifted the item
- Dropping money in the Offertory Boxes in the Church Nave
- Lighting Candles in one of our beautiful candle stands. The two stands in the transepts of the church are actually a gift from an anonymous parishioner.