Pre-K and Kindergarten

Faith Formation
Pre-K and Kindergarten

Faith and Family embraces all ages and generations, promotes faith growth at home through parish preparation programs and more importantly through participation in church life.

​St. Patrick recognizes children at this age are at the very beginning of their Faith Formation.  They are taught primarily by parents, grandparents, siblings and other adults.  Often times it is difficult to find appropriate resources for this age.  The resources below are geared toward both home and Parish learning.  Take time to carefully look through the links.   You will find stories, songs, crafts, coloring pages and other They will  help you prepare your Pre-K and K children for the Faith and Family program.  Use part of a lesson or all of it.  Please  watch for more resources being added.  Please note that the resources below are borrowed from The Catholic Toolbox.

A to Z Bible Story Lessons

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