An altar server assists the Priest every Mass. He or she is responsible for lighting the candles, carrying the cross and assisting Father during the preparation of the Eucharist. This involves bringing Father what he needs from the table to the altar and providing what is needed for the hand washing. After Communion is finished, the altar server then returns the chalice from the altar back to the table, proceeds to the rear of the church carrying the cross and Mass is over. It's wonderful to be part of the Mass! Contact Sharon Mazzo at (860) 693-0166 for more information.
Liturgy is the center and heart of Christian life for the Church. All liturgy, not only the Mass is the base of worship and praise to Almighty God…Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is present whenever a “liturgy” is celebrated…in the people assembled, in the scriptures proclaimed, in the consecrated elements, and in the person of the ordained presider.
Our Liturgy Committee strives to enhance the Liturgy by keeping the Sanctuary in line with the norms of the Liturgical Seasons throughout the Church Year. We seek to create a peaceful and prayerful atmosphere for Ordinary Time, Advent, Christmas Lent, and Easter. All elements used in the Sanctuary are for this purpose and for the glory of our God. For more information please call the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727.
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith. Please call the rectory office for a aptismal Class. Baptisms will be arranged after attending the class. For more information please call the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727.
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our music director. Rehearsals on Thursday in the Choir Loft. Sing at Second Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. Children's choir is conducted seasonally in preparation for Christmas and Easter. If interested please contact the music director, Chris Casey at
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Contact the Parish Office (860) 693-8727
The Facilities Committee facilitates the completion of large construction projects for the church, rectory, grounds, and cemeteries. The Committee identifies projects, prioritizes projects, develops project specifications, obtains quotes from contractors, obtains Finance Committee approvals, awards projects, completes contract paperwork, monitors project adherence to specifications and progress, and authorizes payments to contractors. Typically experience in the construction industry and knowledge of quality and reasonably priced contractors in the various construction fields is helpful. The Committee does not meet on a regularly scheduled day each month. Rather, the Committee typically meets on a weekday during the day on an as needed basis.
Meets quarterly to advise the Pastor on financial matters of the parish. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets. For more information please contact Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
The Haiti Ministry is an Ecumenical Ministry with St. Patrick’s, St. Mary’s Star of the Sea and South Church in Granby. We meet the second Monday of every month between September and June.
Our relationship with Ste. Thérèse de L'Enfant Jésus in Lilavois Haiti, is one that is both spiritual and material. In addition to remembering our Haitian brothers and sisters in our prayer each Sunday, we support the educational needs of Ste. Thérèse de L'Enfant School. We support a significant portion of the teachers' salaries; provide a hot meal for the schoolchildren every weekday of the school year; and arrange scholarships for graduates so that they can pursue higher education.
Join us as we celebrate 20 years of ministry to Ste. Thérèse! On Saturday, May 4, 2019 we will host a dinner dance/fundraiser! Watch the bulletins for more information.
Much of our financial support comes from our parish donations and fundraising efforts. St. Mary’s holds a golf tournament in September to support the Haiti feeding program, each year over $10,000 is raised. We held a fundraiser at La Trattoria in 2017 to help rebuild Ste. Thérèse de L'Enfant Jésus church. Over $8000 was raised.
However we also augment those funds through grant writing and donations from local organizations such as the Avon-Canton and Farmington Rotary Clubs.
We have also provided funds for capital projects: Six classrooms in the original complex, Six rebuilt classrooms after the January 2010 earthquake, A library with books to loan and textbooks for those who cannot afford to buy them, Solar energy to provide reliable and continuous power for cooking, computers, and refrigeration, Funds for transportation for the pastor. Funds for kitchen improvements, Computers and upgraded laptops, New chairs for the St. Therese church, New batteries for the solar panels.
Each October we celebrate a mass to honor our sister Parish, Ste. Thérèse de L'Enfant Jésus, near the feast day of Ste. Thérèse. Each winter a small group of our members travel to Ste. Thérèse to observe and meet with parishioners. Contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727 for more information.
The Human Needs Committee coordinates efforts with the Canton and Burlington Social Services to help those in our community with many of the basic requirements for daily living. The Committee and its volunteers provide food for families in emergency circumstances, meals and gifts for holidays and other special occasions that arise throughout the year. We are also involved in outreach that goes beyond our town line.
We’ve helped with relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Harvey through Assumption Parish in Houston, Texas, and partnered with the Franciscan Center for Urban ministry in Hartford to help displaced Puerto Rico families settling in Hartford, CT as a result of Hurricane Maria.
Several of our members also work to help the needy locally, through the Canton Food Bank and our local literary program which brings books to disadvantaged children.
Our Committee feels strongly that we should be aware of local and national legislation that affects the poor and the needy. We represent our parish by making our voices heard on important issues such as affordable housing, immigration and sex trafficking. Contact Terry St. Gelais at (860) 764-4426 for more information.
The members of the Imago Dei Ministry of St. Patrick’s Parish are committed to fostering awareness and respect for the sanctity of each human life from conception to natural death. We strive, through prayer, education, service, and witness, to be a voice for the voiceless, in obedience to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Accomplishments thus far include a fundraising book sale in June, purchased and installed a literature rack, composed a respect life prayer pamphlet for an adoration, and sent representatives to a respect life conference. Going forward, we hope to schedule engaging speakers on Humanae Vitae, on the Pope’s new teaching on the death sentence, on hospice and palliative care, about our local pregnancy resource centers, and to show related movies, as well as provide updates on legislative hearings on assisted suicide, abortion funding, etc.
You are welcome to join us to share and promote your particular heart’s desire as there is room for many voices and more energy and we are still “new.” Contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727 for more information
The Men's Fraternity of Saint Patrick’s has as its mission theme "Service to Parish and Brothers." We gather to meet the needs of the parish whenever requested by utilizing groups of men who volunteer for labor and any other forms of support we can. The fraternity also serves its own members by sponsoring talks, presentations, and resources for spiritual and intellectual growth as Christian men. Social gatherings, fellowship, and mutual support are the hallmark of its activities. All men in the parish are invited to join us at any and all times. Contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
Lectors are members of the Assembly who proclaim the Word in the first two scripture readings. They also assist in creating a hospitable and prayerful environment by praying the Prayers of the Faithful. Training and preparation are necessary for those persons wishing to be Lectors.
Proclaiming the Sacred Scripture is different from other kinds of public speaking. Not only do Lectors need to be effective communicators, but they need to absorb and express the spirit of the Liturgy as well.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the parish office.
Living Eternally Grateful As Catholic Youth
Youth in grades 9-12
Youth ministry fosters the personal and spiritual growth of young people, draws them into responsible participation in the life and mission of the church, and empowers them to live as disciples of Jesus in the world today. Our LEGACY “CORE Team” is composed of both adults and teens. We meet once a month from September – May to organize a variety of social, spiritual and service activities for teens in the parish. LEGACY is also the responsible for the planning and organizing of the Annual Summer Mission Trip. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
The music ministry of St. Patrick’s provides music for all parish weekend liturgical services. In addition, the music ministry provides music for Holy Week, Easter, Christmas, and most Holy Days of Obligation. The music ministry includes an adult choir that rehearses weekly and sings at the 10am Sunday service as well as special services throughout the year. For each service the music ministry will provide a cantor and accompanist and occasionally other instrumentalists as well. A youth choir is also formed for the Christmas and Easter seasons. The music ministry also provides music for weddings and funerals, collaborates with Youth Ministry and Religious Education for Confirmation and First Communion celebrations, provides music for special Masses such as the Memorial Mass, and maintains and updates the music library. For more information about the Music Ministry please email Chris Casey at
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
The primary role of the Parish Pastoral Council is advisory, making recommendations to the Pastor about the spiritual well-being of the parish. As a visionary council, it concerns itself with where the parish wants to be in three to five years and not with the administrative aspects of running the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council does not run the parish, or supervise its daily work. Ultimately, that responsibility falls on the shoulders of the pastor.
The Parish Council hopes to be prophetic, calling the community and its leaders to grow in faith together and to respond to the needs of the people. The Parish Pastoral Council continuously develops and articulates a deep and mature understanding of the identity and purpose of the parish. It reflects the unique personality of the parish as it evolves, using the mission statement developed by the Pastor and parishioners: “It is here that through the strength of Heaven, we teach the Word, Jesus Christ, the Tradition of His Church and celebrate His Divine Mercy.” The Pastor and Parish Pastoral Council strive to ensure that the parish is carrying out its stated mission and that the pastoral needs of the parish are met. These include Word, Worship, Community and Service. The pastor and council enable and encourage the broadest participation of parishioners in evangelizing, both within the parish and the larger community. It accepts the responsibility of hearing all voices in seeking to discern the will of God in the local community using scripture and the voice of the Church as their guide.
We are the only ministry with members elected from the parish at large. The Parish Council is made up of 12 voting members plus our pastor and deacon. The members are all practicing Catholics, registered at St. Patrick’s parish, and in good standing with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The members are elected for a service of 3 years, renewable once. We usually meet the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm to discuss the status and the future of the parish.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the preparation of adult candidates to receive the Catholic sacraments. For more information, contact the Parish Office (860) 693-8727.
Retreat is a gift to yourself — a way to step aside from everyday concerns to relax and care for your soul. The weekend provides time for rest, reflection, prayer, and discussion. Retreats are offered at Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center in Farmington and Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford. For more information and contacts, click here.
The Rosary group visits the residents at Cherry Brook Health Care Center to pray the Rosary with them each week. We, among the four of us (thus far), each visit and pray the rosary on a rotating basis every Tuesday. We arrive at 6:00pm and ask the receptionist to announce that the Rosary is about to begin. We meet the residents in the lounge where the rosary is prayed. We also assist residents who need assistance in getting to the lounge. Usually we start by 6:15pm and end by about 6:45pm.
We are looking for new members who are willing to commit to participate in at least one Tuesday per month. No requirements are necessary, only the desire to be present to those who are suffering. You don’t need to know how to pray the rosary. This is a very gratifying ministry as we pray with people, who in their old age and sufferings, have the face of Christ. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
Volunteers who coordinate social activities and gatherings of parishioners during the year. CHAIRPERSON NEEDED! For more information please contact the parish office at (860) 693-8727.
There are currently 20 members of our Greeter/Usher Ministry. Duties range from pre-mass preparation through final blessings. We start by “policing” the church prior to mass. The gifts are secured and placed so they can be brought to the alter during mass. Our team will greet parishioners with a warm and friendly smile, secure gift bearers, seat parishioners in the least disruptive manner, secure the collection, handle emergencies, clean pews after mass and distribute bulletins as parishioners leave church. We are always looking to grow our current ministry! If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office at (860) 693-8727
The group was formed over 80 years ago by women leaders in the church. The spirit of the founders is still alive in the group today. The women strive to make a difference by leading events that raise money for the needs of the church, providing social opportunities for church members, and helping with various church activities. Some of the events that the group leads include the following: Geranium and Mum Sales, Gingerbread Fair, Potluck Suppers, Coffee Hours, making Baptismal Gowns, and Funding/Distribution of College Scholarships.
The group welcomes all women of the parish and understands that each individual has a unique background and interests and a limited amount of time to share. Please consider sharing your talents, ideas, and friendship with the Women of St. Patrick’s. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month (September through June) at 6:30 p.m. in the church hall. Contact the parish office at (860) 693-8727 for more information.