
St. Patrick's Youth Reaching Into Tomorrow

S.P.Y.R.I.T. — St. Patrick's Youth Reaching Into Tomorrow — is a group for sixth, seventh and eighth grade youth to share faith, food, and fun with their peers.

We typically meet about one Sunday a month from October through May, usually between 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. with time for pizza included! Our goal is to help the young people become better acquainted, discover a little more about our Catholic faith, and provide some opportunities for them to serve others in our community. A team of adult leaders plans the activities throughout the year, with parents volunteering as needed to help with specific events.

Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Participating in a youth Mass
  • Going to Haunted Mini Golf
  • Learning about hunger in our community through Foodshare's 'Hunger 101' program
  • Making holiday crafts for the Gingerbread Fair
  • Cooking and serving meals at the Immaculate Conception Shelter in Hartford and the Christian Fellowship Center in Bristol
  • Going bowling
  • Learning more about Jesus and identifying ways we can be better disciples
  • Volunteering at Focus on Canton's Neighbor Helping Neighbor Day
  • Learning about our sister parish of St. Therese and holding a Can and Bottle Drive to raise money for them
  • Providing Babysitting for our Parish Families
  • Family to Family Christmas
  • Living Stations of the Cross

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